If Stephen Colbert and Fox News can have a nation, so can we. When johnyoungcolumn.com was launched about five years ago, I didn’t even know an email list function was possible. Fortunately, web designer Josiah Spence did, so we have can have weekly interaction by email. From the start, I’ve never known how many people make up this list. I don’t plan to know. You may be it.
For those who wonder: Starting from a grand total of zero when I retired from the Waco Tribune-Herald in 2009, this column now is carried in 13 newspapers including the Austin American-Statesman, The Progressive Populist, Liberal Opinion Week, the Vero Beach Press Journal, Stuart (Fla.) News, Corpus Christi Caller Times and the Sierra Vista (Ariz.) Herald. Some publications pay; some don’t. Regardless, self-syndication is no ticket to wealth.
That’s why we’ve set up a "donate" function, to help defray costs. If you’d like to participate, go to johnyoungcolumn.com, and click on “donate” up at the top of the page. Using the secure services of PayPal, you have two options: a one-time donation, or an ongoing “subscription.” If you would like to send a contribution in the mail, email me at jyoungcolumn@gmail.com for my home address.
Regardless, if you are part of the “nation,” your only obligation is let me know what you’re thinking down the road, as we need more of that — thinking — in this new year and beyond. Thanks for reading.
John Young