‘What is and should be illegal activity’  ‘What is and should be illegal activity’ Those who care about the rule of law should stop buying the Fox News angle that Robert Mueller’s appearance before two congressional panels was, as at least one progressive and sympathetic commentator said, “A disaster.”            …

President with a pronoun problem

            Hear the distant rumble. Ram the ramparts. Hustle the muskets to the nearest landing strip.             The sound you hear is not a summer storm but the rolling plunder of Donald Trump seeking further employment by us.             Flanked by tanks, escorted by bomberooks — with his presidential bullhorn…

The Rs vs. the dreaded D — demographics

            It’s a race against time, and against diversity.             For Republicans that foe was illustrated last week on stage in Miami — brimming with Democrats running for president.             It featured candidates of varied colors, fiery non-submissive women, a gay mayor. It represented something for which today’s Republican Party…

Trump’s credibility chasm

           Ever since Donald Trump winged into Colorado to speak to the 2019 class of the Air Force Academy, I’ve tried to put myself in the well-shone shoes of those cadets.             The man who spoke at their commissioning literally has their lives in his hands.             I wonder about those…