GOP cheers on race to bottom

            It has the support of the G-7 powers. It has the support of more than 130 nations.             Promoted by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, it would curb abuses by which corporations escape taxes overseas and help pay for America’s immense infrastructure needs.             Only one thing stands in the…

Requiem for an anti-vax evangelist

          What kind of science did Bob Enyart peddle?           Whatever the strain, it killed him.           It wasn’t cross-over equine science – the wonders of horse dewormer. It wasn’t Clorox tonic or one dose too many hydroxychloroquine.           It was just anti-vax, anti-fact quackery.           On weekly broadcasts of his…

Minority rule wrecks us

            Only in the Supreme Court does the majority consistently make policy in Washington.             And most of that majority was nominated by presidents who got fewer votes than their rivals.             A solid majority of Americans – 58 percent today (Gallup) — consistently opposes a ban on abortion. Yet a…

Road to Kabul via Saigon

            Like Afghanistan, Vietnam was a bipartisan debacle.             From Kennedy to Johnson to Nixon to Ford. Wait. Ford?             Gerald – yeah. The “accidental president” was the one who, like Joe Biden, made the call to end a futile and interminable war, then presided over the chaos that followed.…