My lawsuit against Texas

COMPLAINT: John Young, plaintiff, vs. State of Texas, defendant. Filed in: Court of Public Opinion, United States             Plaintiff John Young brings forth the following:             Plaintiff is a resident of the United States, Planet Earth.             Defendant is one of those United States, same planet.             In December of 2020, pursuant to the personal…


Free to pray, free to spray?

            It’s a busy season at Trump’s Pardon Workshop.             So many felonious enablers, so little time.             Add to them MAGA loony-pants Raymond Deskins, 61, of Sterling, Va.             Deskins, wearing a Trump-headed floaty around his sumo-sized waist, huffed and puffed on two women protesting outside the president’s Virginia…


That other heinous orange matter

            Momentarily you’ll forgive me for assuming, incorrectly, that Stacey Abrams had joined my cause.             With Thanksgiving approaching, regular readers of this column can understand why I misread her intentions when I heard the Democratic dynamo say something about “orange putrescence” in an MSNBC interview.             I thought, “Hell,…


Staging a sabotage of voters’ rights

            Herold. Azterodt. Mudd. Powell. Arnold.             Move aside.             Make room for company.             Giuliani. Graham. McConnell. Cruz. Bannon.             For those whose American history lessons have expired, that first bunch was convicted of a plot to facilitate the act of a charismatic assassin, John Wilkes Booth.             The…
