Got to get me one of those sweet-potato detectors

            I’ll take my shoes off to that.             Whatever the Transportation Security Administration wishes to do. Done.             Strip search. Check. Mouth scraping. Check. Hair sample. While it lasts.             I’ll surrender all fluids. Body scan? I’ll stretch out on the conveyor and slide along with the tennis rackets.…


Truth is not in this man’s repertoire

            The front-page teaser read:             “Did Trump lie to Robert Mueller?”             The mind reacted:             What? Does Mueller have a television? Internet access?             Does Mueller have ears? Can he compute linguistic signals?             If any of the above, Trump lied to him just as he has lied…


Trump defenders’ forked offensive

           With markers of Trumpian corruption amassing like a superbug strain in a petri dish, the Republican motorcade arrives at a fork in history’s road.             Ethical government? It’s thataway. Extending Trump’s reign? The other way.             Honesty? Legality? Basic decency? They went thataway.             Funny. I remember when the Republicans were all…
