Trump v. Every Law Ever Made

           Chief Justice Roberts: Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Donald John Trump.             Donald Trump: I, Donald John Trump.             Roberts: Do solemnly swear.             Trump: Do smirkingly swear.             Roberts: That I will faithfully execute.             Trump:  What is this “faithful” garbage?             Roberts: The…


Stop the kidney punches, Democrats

            The Democratic presidential debates have been as welcome as a toothache.             Bash, trash, clash, finger-point, knee-cap. Rinse and repeat.             I’m not watching.             Those appearing on-stage are all outstanding, thoughtful, bright individuals with the best interests of the country at heart.             Any would be better in…


For political pettiness, Trump is a force of nature

            “The thing I like about Trump is that he’s not a politician.”             For dripping ripeness, that ranks with:             “I like Trump because he’ll finance his own campaign.”             (Sure, with millions from the National Rifle Association, and Sheldon Adelson, and the Mercers, and the Kochs, and the DeVos…
